We make a lot of plans almost everyday for our tomorrow. Some of us are even some are planning all the time. Like:

We’ll do this, Let’s just do it.. etc

Some of us day dream and fantasise about so many things.. One of such people is me!! 😁😊

The reality is that tomorrow never comes. We plan a lot of stuff for the next day and have you ever noticed that whatever you plan, the next day even if you implement it, there is always a twist, like a bad weather, someone might be sick, you need a replacement, you receive an uninvited guest or offer, you cannot deny.

We don’t think deeply over such petty issues and just brush of by saying that oh! things didn’t turn out as were planned. There is something more to it..

A lesson to be learnt, whenever our plans for our tomorrow’s fail…

When we’ll realize this, our thought process will change. That’s when we will work on our TODAY.

Today is what we have got. Trust me. We can do whatever we want to only today. We can fulfil our duties today. We can study today, we can work today, get that order today, read that book today, cancel that meeting today…………. and the list is never ending.

Don’t trust situations or events now. Especially after Covid 19. There is no such thing as definitive. It’s one situation now and next a moment after.

Be prepared for worse and expect the best. Use your best potential now. Work hard now, show your best self now.

Don’t wait for a moment to prove yourself.. Make moments now.

It’s no use making castles in air and will never be of any good anyway!! 😊

Be practical, productive, useful, precise, consice and simple.

Don’t complex situations, relations and ideas for yourself and for others as well.

This is the new way to live our lifes happily, with peace and contentment.

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