I used to think that people who have cheated on me back in my life are hypocrites and I am never going to trust such people or even continue a relation with them.

I was wrong..

Hypocrites are all people having issues with the letter I. The I or Me, Myself pronouns kill us. When we priortize ourselves over everything, every place and in all matters, we are ingonring others’ emotions. In a way or other maybe we are cause of hurt or heartbreak for others.

Hypocrites are not those who cheat on you, back bite you, assissnate your character or make fun of you.

When people understand that I am type of the person having a Me issue, they’ll pose, treat you differently at your face and curse you behind your back.

This is because I issue has made the other person uncomfortable or uneasy. They don’t feel good at my presence or enjoy my company.

The question is :

Why I can’t I be US or After You?

One of the most major reasons for clashes in our relationships is our own ego problem. Just because I don’t feel good at a place, the others should make me feel good.

Or just because I don’t enjoy a particular company, the others should change their minds and make plans according to my desires..

How long or far this can go on? کسی کے نخرے کب تک برداشت ہوسکتے ہیں؟

Not forever. People regard you one and next day they’ll forget about you. This world is not a fairlyland story of a Prince or princess receiving all the provisions always and forever.

This is real life. We should be practical. Have a realistic approach. To humiliate someone is NOT the solution.

The trick is to be simple, honest and be YOURSELF.

The more we fake ourselves or even fake relations:we come across more complex situations and unresolved matters.

The rule is simple to avoid hypocrisy. Expect less, give more in terms of time, empathy and gratitude.

We are not bots. We all are ordinary human beings. We share almost the same kind of feelings of happiness , sadness, pain and sorrows. The situations are different for all but the general mechanisms of human automation is the same.

All of us are struggling to accomplish the best for our selves and our kids. Do not make others’ lives miserable by your unexpected attitudes, turbulent behaviours or bad intentions.

We have already seen enough of chaos and all sorts of issues prevailing all around.

So, dear Hypocrites stay cool. 😊 Don’t create further hurdles in others’ lives. You are not alone. There is huge number of humans and humanity is at its brink of distinction.

The real overall success should be that we must widen our scope for the whole humanity and work towards being humane progress in terms of global peace and harmony


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