“Walk into my Shoes” It’s easier said than done. This delimit is increasing per second in our personal lives and societies as a whole. We have become senseless talking psychopaths.

We talk and talk useless, unnecessary talks so much that we have numbed ourselves deliberately to think even for a second what we are uttering and what impact it could make into minds and lives of others.

What we say about others :

Is it necessary? Useful? Helpful? For someone’s well being?

The answer might be no.

We talk to judge, to criticise, to torture, to insult, to mock, to ridicule, to humiliate, to hurt others.

It hurts me so much to see when people blindly pass out statements over someone’s appearances, lifestyle, the way they walk or talk or deal in their lives.

If it’s not concerning them, I don’t understand the reason why people are bothered so much. Such useless activities and wasting their time and energy over peeping and interfering without any prior invitation!!! why?

Our life is gifted by Allah Ta’ala. This life is given to us to avail the opportunities and make maximum out of it in terms of being good not only for yourself but for others as well.

Make space for others and make things easier for them. Dont be harsh or critique about how other behaves or talks. We never know what is in their minds, what kind of situations they have gone through or how tough are the circumstances they are in unless they themselves share with us.

Broken relations, fake friendships, betrayals are all results of misconceptions about each other. To truly know someone we need to be good listeners rather than preachers.

Don’t preach what you yourself don’t practice.

Be a good listener first and if you can go beyond within your capacity help them if they need it.

Most of us want to be just heard. They might not be looking for any material thing.

Unfortunately we are so occupied and self centred that we cannot see or hear others’ agonies or griefs. We don’t feel their pain or sadness. We keep kn blowing our own trumpets and that to too loud in order not to hear others’ woes or cries.

Step down a little from your apparently pompous lifestyle and think from others’ perspectives, how they made it till that point, how they overcame the hurdles or how he/she achieved her milestone.

Try to lower that high wall you have built around yourself to make you feel safe and protected. Its always nice and wise to notice how others have made their walls that high too😊😊. You might find the view awesome and pleasant from top but if we look deep down, only then we are able to see the rips, harsh beatings of time & circumstances and marks of the continuous struggle of the achievers.

On seeing both sides of the coin we understand the whole scenario and get to see a clear picture.

Use your words to push someone one step ahead not to pull him/her down. From the point you never know how they have reached or what struggles & sacrifices they have made.

My shoes will never fit you, neither will yours, my feet are small by the way 😄😄,

But please try not to wear others’ shoes too.. Not only they’ll look awkward, they won’t suit you, you’ll hurt your self, you won’t be comfortable and finally won’t be able to walk properly either. Same goes for our life’s choices, decisions & practices we follow. Too much judgements and suspicions ruin relations & lives as a whole.

It’s better to maintain a comfortable and friendly pace and space for others to walk around as well!

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