The lab tests conducted on hybrid variants turned out pretty magnificent and unique. Which led to a vast degree of not only hybrid strains but also of new inventions and has been introduced in almost all the walks of life in forms of new gadgets, personal usage equipments, lifestyles etc.

In families when there is an unusual child, it sparks a question on how is it possible?Why he or she is like that, others weren’t?! Well, technically if it is possible in labs why not in reality? πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Science has proved zillions of times on how human cells react differently provided different cultures and when combined with different sets of samples. This is the basic knowledge we get during our school times and eventually forget it when we enter our practical life. The reason of failure in relationships is failure to understand the chemistry of our very next fellow being.

We become so self centered and isolated in our own world that we fail to grasp the frequency level of others. Why is it so?? Why is it so difficult to understand human psychology? Apparently so simple yet complex.

Being kiths and kins we belong to same families, share same amount of common interests and are like fingers of a hand, yet we don’t agree on common grounds!!! Being different isn’t unacceptable. Instead it should be encouraged in order to give societies a productive human being.

Sadly the artificial tests conducted in labs have given us a vast variety of new inventions and there is still a lot coming up. But in real lives these hybrid strains lead to more complexities and become reasons for many problems.

Though personally I think that the one who is different or thinks different is the game changer. He or she is the one who will or is going to bring something good:maybe productive to their family. We fail to accept these difficult to handle siblings. They are not difficult at all. They visualise differently. Studies have shown that these different siblings become the leaders, writers, poets, celebrities later in life.

There is huge difference between an ordinary working round the clock individual and an extraordinary turbulent one. He or she is currently turbulent because they are not at their proper test labs!!! They need their comfort zone, particular place and sound environment to grow and excel.

Please don’t snub or ignore if you come across a young child who is snobbish or arrogant. There is always a reason behind the good or bad behavior We being adults should be more empathetic so that we may be able to see them turning into responsible citizens of a society rather than being a reason for making them monsters or criminals later in life.

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