pink alarm clock showing time
Photo by KoolShooters on

They say time flies. It’s true when we are happy and enjoy the time with our family and friends.The hours seem to have wings literally at those precious moments. Be it stay overs, get to gathers, hang outs, picnic spot meetings or just an evening with a cup of tea together. ❤️

We cherish each moment and look forward on seeing each other again. That’s the true value of time when you give your time and get the best in response.

To be on and at the right time is something missing nowadays. We have gadgets in our hands and are connected with each other through wireless technology around the world. It seems cool to have online chats with your friends and family across the planet, share stuff online. On the other hand when we really look for a physical touch or pat on the shoulder of a sister, brother, even parents :

we are left empty handed and are treated emotionless.



We seem to be very close and intimated online but are cold hearted off the line.

This is the bitter reality of present times. You are valued only if you have to give something in return like return the favor in cash or favor with favor. There is no such thing as :

I’ll cross rivers and mountains for you, bring down the stars for you.

These words were fantasy and always will be. Even our blood relations don’t care anymore if we are left behind the race of time in this temporary materialistic world. No one gives a lending hand to the fallen ones, no one would come to wipe your tears off.

You have to get up on your own,stand up for your own self and pace your race against the time. We will never succeed if we go along the time as it waits for none. It passes away. You leave your footsteps only when you walk against the tides to make an impression for others to inspire.

Please don’t invest in monetary transactions. Invest in time..

Time is the money. And you’ll get the best return ever Insha’Allah. ❤️

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