to err is humane & to forgive is divine
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A humble mistake is the one which makes a person noble as the mistake itself teaches him/her a good lesson. To Err is humane & to forgive is Divine.

On the other hand if a certain mistake makes someone arrogant and he/she persists on the wrong track, it leads not only his/her destruction but also results in a lot of negative consequences.

How to identify a mistake? Does someone else tell us or we realize it ourselves? This subject should be taken into regard. Some mistakes are petty, normal ones like kids make and we as parents excuse them without our kids ever saying or being sorry about it.

Some mistakes need to be rectified immediately tactfully. If not done on the spot, would result in long time personality deformation.

How harsh should we react over others’ mistakes deoends on our tolerance and temperaments. Different people have different level of patience adhering to others’ mistakes.

Some might take it, ignore it and move on. Some might identify clearly in order to make others understand that it cannot be tolerated, while others make it realize with facial expressions, physical postures or even get it to know from a third person by back bitting.

This is very bad.

It not only ruins a relationship but also creates an atmosphere of mistrust.

At times mistake identifications lead to revengous situations and the person whose mistakes are pinpointed goes into venagance mode, from where its difficult to mould him/her back.

This is a personality disorder I personally believe !!

The best solution is to nip the evil from bud, either we resolve the mistake. Or we forgive that mistake.

If we are not humble enough to forgive and otherwise keep on critcising and character shaming someone for their mistakes, it makes a living hell for the one who did a mistake and was now trying to improve,learn and move ahead.

We all make mistakes, it’s quite normal and human nature. We are not born to be perfect, but to perfect our actions in order to attain the best reward from our Creator.

Our good or bad actions simulate or freeze the relations around us. Don’t take human erorrs for granted to be forgiven all the time. How ever situations also decide on how to tackle a mistake.

In a netshell the best revenge is no revenge at all. It gives others space and benefit not only to get away but also to get out of the guilt they might feel at some point in life.

You forgive for your own goodwill, good health and can free yourself from carrying unnecessary burden of pain or betrayel.

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