Its not easy to be a beacon of light.

To lead those behind. As the one in front faces most of the hardships and struggles of life in order to make a smooth pave for his/her followers.

I am a person of soft words, small gestures of kindness and some respect. All packed and delivered in a pleasing manner and you get the best part of me. That’s fair enough I guess. 😊

Everyone or most of you might think the same.

We return what we get in form of attitudes and behaviours.

So what if we keep on giving our best selves and get no return of goodwill at the other end? Does it matter to us?

Offcourse it does!!

It hurts us, kills us inside, sometimes the negative behaviours traumatizes us and ruins our mental health..

Are we at fault? Maybe not.

Our reaction should be monitored and controlled by our reflexes. We must be well prepared to infuse any social drama whatsoever.

It’s a cruel step and very unjust towards our own self but in the long run it’s  the HEALING process.

Self realization and mental healing not only heals us, releases our subconscious from unnecessary affections, expectations but also heals other from being so impulsive or defensive on their part.

There we are now:


That’s how it starts. That’s how the beacons reflect the energy within themselves for others to follow upon.

They ultimately become the leaders.

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