When a baby is born and you hold them in your arms. You see their tiny hand tightly gripped, so tight, you can’t unfold those little fingers at once. Same is when they hold your finger! ❀️

The grip is so strong, the feeling is out of this world. You don’t want to let go. If for instance you try to take away your finger or remove your hand, they get scared!!

That’s the loveliest childhood of our children. Unforgettable and golden. Both for the patents and child as well.

We see them grow through different stages and passing through different phases. From toddlers age to kids, pre- teens, teens, young adults, grown up adults and finally in their mature stage of life. 😊

I myself see my children growing up and observe the changes they are going through each passing year. I have felt that as they come out of their cocoon, they want their own space, sense of being independent. They want to feel grown up and not treated as little kids anymore.

Being a parent we have our concerns about our children but our children have proved to be more enthusiastic, adventurous then we were of that age in our times.It’s all due to the everchanging global culture all around. Boundaries are just geographical now. All thanks to means of wireless communication and all sorts of information within the tap of our finger tips!! πŸŒπŸ“±πŸ“²

I think being a parent is the best phase of us humans. Our children are our greatest assets. They change us completely, we are reborn with them, we grow older with them, we learn from them, we feel our whole selves in a nutshell.. Set apart the sleepless nights, the tiresome efforts, the constant turbulances between them through their growing years!!!!

The fears, the hopes, the prayers, endless love we feel for them does not require any verbal confession in front of the whole world..

What matters most is that our communication with our children is best. They receive all this in its true and fullest manner.

Children are like little birds in the nest. When they develop their wings and expertise in flight training from their parents, they want to soar high and fly themselves. They want to search, conquest and look for the things that their life holds in for them.

It’s not easy but children should be let to seek, learn and make their own achievements in life. Our prayers and training should engulf them where ever they go or whatever they do.

Growing up is continuous process. It goes on and on.. Till we reach our graves and another new life begins somewhere else..

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