Literally manipulation means
‘to twist a matter or issue into one’s own favourable situation’.
Technically it means
‘to deceive, to hide the facts, to play around etc’
It’s an ethical and moral lack of upbringing of a person or persons. As when a child grows up, he/she picks from his/her parents mostly,then relatives,friends and the place they are grown up.
If there are high regards for moral acts of adults as well children, it’s most likely that such individuals won’t manipulate anyone in their practical life. Infact they are never capable of it..!! They are the best sort of prey to the manipulators as they will never be able to figure out how they are being played and crafted upon.
It’s a great social evil to get things done through short cuts or by pulling others legs in order to get away. Even to snatch :be it someone’s mental peace, happiness or a mortal thing.
Manipulators are becoming popular nowadays. It’s because we let such people play with us. When we don’t set boundaries for people, for situations, for issues to solve or resovle, for whom to put our faith or trust in. All this ends up in falling prey ourselves by the hands of manipulators.
They don’t realise the impact of emotional damage they cause a person in the long run. It’s not a short term damage to get over it easily. They crush the dignity of a person just to get their own things done.
It’s really hard to bear or live with such persons. It’s best to avoid them as much as possible. Once you understand the nature of them. We being social animals after all have to live and bear with fellow human beings having different personalities, visions and perspectives.
Instead of blocking others way, pave ways for people. Make small paddies, pavements…be it anything. At least something.
But don’t hinder someone, don’t play around with words or the feelings of others.
The world is already into a lot of chaos. We just have to play our role well. In a positive, constructive way. We have enjoyed the pleasantries of this world. Now its our generation’s turn and theirs onwards. We should not be the reason of their dimming hopes and dreams. They seek our assistance and guidance till they can spread their own wings to make their flights.
Don’t limit their scopes and flights because of your selfishness and lack of vision.
Manipulators can make their roles positive by changing a negative scenario into a positive one!!
Why don’t we think otherwise? π€π