Too many cooks spoil the broth.

The literal meanings of this famous phrase is obvious:Too many suggestions for a particular task deforms it instead of forming it into a perfect outcome. The reason is that everyone gives their pieces of advices which might not be applicable for that particular task but suitable for some other purposes.

In practical applications almost all the big organisations encourage teamwork. Same rule is applied and taught in schools for developing brain storming in young minds. The tasks as well as the participants of the project are divided in such a systematic manner that each individual gives out his/her best skill or piece of advice and make a perfect project. As each individual is unique gifted with unique potentials. We have to respect and accept this individualality of our fellow men. Collectively the whole of individuals make a difference by placing their pieces together in perfection like a perfect picture in a jigsaw puzzle.

I remember a very famous story here. A young boy was asking his father a lot of questions. The father was busy in his work. To keep the boy busy his father tore a piece of new paper which had the picture of a world map into small pieces. He asked his son to assemble the pieces of the map together. He was satisfied that his son will not disturb him for quite some time as it was a difficult chore. To the father’s surprise, the son returned after a short period of time with the pieces assembled in order. The father asked in astonishment that how he managed to arrange all the pieces in such a short time? The son replied:It was simple, I turned the pieced around and saw face of a man. I arranged the pieces of his face and the map was arranged automatically!!

The lesson behind this story is if the individuality of human beings is honoured, it makes the perfect picture of mankind. If we keep on prolonging our differences, intervene too much in matters of others instead of staying in our boundaries and minding our own particular business the result will be split relations, spoiled projects, and disasters in every pace of life.

The rule is simple and very effective :

Live & let live🤷

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