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I hope that these feelings also reflect your minds, so we can share our ideas and views and who knows maybe bring out a positive impact on hearts to make this world a reason to live in harmony.

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Relations, Emotions
Samiah Arshad

Moments Matter

On a rainy day when you are in a hurry and your mother suddenly holds you by your arm to give that umbrella which you

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All Rounder

Who are all rounders? All rounders surprise us all the time with their unique capabilities to handle tough situations as life is full of surprises.Nobody

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Emptiness is failing to comprehend your feelings to others or even to your own self. Emptiness is a self perceived disability that can be cured

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خداترسی اورخود ترسی

خداترسی اورخود ترسی میں فرق یہ ہے کہ پہلی بات میں (خدا)اللہ اپنے بندوں پہ ترس کھاتا ہے،موقع دیتا ہے باربار کہ شاید وہ پلٹ

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