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Category: Relations, Emotions


I used to think that people who have cheated on me back in my life are hypocrites and I am never going to trust such

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skyscraper buildings clear sky exterior facade
Relations, Emotions
Samiah Arshad


I don’t like skyscrapers.I wonder why people adore them. What’s so special about Burj ul Khalifa, Arab Towers & Byenona Tower?! Why people spent such

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Relations, Emotions
Samiah Arshad

Might is Right

In armies all around the world, the major or the might is always right and its a must to obey them at any cost. The

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Relations, Emotions
Samiah Arshad

Wall Scribbles

It’s been almost 19 years, since Arshad Bashir and I got married. We have 3 beautiful kids. My kids grew up with their adorable cousins,

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Relations, Emotions
Samiah Arshad

خداترسی اورخود ترسی

خداترسی اورخود ترسی میں فرق یہ ہے کہ پہلی بات میں (خدا)اللہ اپنے بندوں پہ ترس کھاتا ہے،موقع دیتا ہے باربار کہ شاید وہ پلٹ

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Relations, Emotions
Samiah Arshad

A Natural Re-fill

In the darkest moments of your life, when betrayals & trials knock you down on your knees to bow down to the Divine and Al

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