Darkness engulfs all the light, hopes and life from a person. This is how we all see it and perceive it.

Has any one of you gone through such phase in your lives that you were completely blank, lost and numb. Then maybe you pray from the bottom of your heart, or penance or mediate in that silent moment of your life. Just when you are at the brink of your despair, suddenly you see, feel a light, a ray. It can be an idea, a vision, a new path or even can be a totally new you. That’s what darkness gives you. A new you, a new vision. Darkness only comes to bring light for us. As an old saying goes:

There is always light at the end of the tunnel!!

So darkness means, your previous phase has ended and you are about to enter into a new fresh opening. Something you can look forward to, to work on it, to aspire for it, to go for it, to give it a try once more & once again.To gather up all your energies, your full potential and start it all over again for that new phase.


That dark phase is no more. It has gone now. Time to look ahead and move on. We will all freeze and die if we stick on with darkness, if we continue to carry it on our shoulders and take it along with us everywhere. Why?? Why do we want to show that dark part to others, why can’t we just cut it off from our lives. To carry unnecessary burden of our griefs, sorrows, failures only adds to our burdens and stresses out not only over selves but effects lives of our near ones. Just get rid of that burden on your shoulders and feel light. When you load off, you will feel free your self.. Just give it a try.

I have tried it myself and believe me:IT WORKS!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š


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