Gravity & Covid – 19 both have something in common. I shall explain this in my today’s topic:😊

The fall of apple from the tree led to the greatest practical theories of physics: Law of Gravity.

Normally we don’t think that how we are walking on the ground? right now how am i sitting in my room on my bed? Why don’t we fall?

Science teaches us about the invisible force of gravity pulling all the objects downwards. Without this unseen force the whole objects would be floating around like astraunauts or space shuttles in space.

Current pabademic situation in the whole world has bowed us down in prostration towards the Supreme and Souvenir Lord. To cut down all that is most important to least important :The basics.

You know if we stick to the basics we are not only at mental ease but also free from a lot of unnecessary hassle. Panademic has bonded the family ties, kiths and kins. It has attracted people towards nature, to ponder, to get the maximum out of it and to be grateful to have to save it for the coming generations. They are all gathered around the gravitational field of family unit!!

Though it’s been a tough time but the good news is about the next phase that is more aware, conscious and ready to face the new changed and cleaner world.

Science has proved it and all the religions have taught us that no matter how far we go,if we are connected to the centre, due to gravity :we’ll never fall. So don’t loose your gravitational source😊

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