delighted and surprised female friends with laptop and smartphone
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

Have you ever given a surprise to your loved ones? Isn’t it exciting to see the surprised happy looks in their faces?!

I was the kind of person in my younger years. I never forget birthdays. Something that gets fixed to the chip of my mindπŸ˜€πŸ˜€.

So I was always planning out for the birthdays of my friends and my siblings. It used to be the most awaited moment for me to surprise those bossom friends of mine and my siblings. My siblings would some how find out about my secret and mysterious activities around the house that I was upto something since we were at the same place!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. But the fun part was friends at school. Or the sudden visits at their places with other friends to give them special moments and to make them feel special.πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽˆ

In my university years the best days were those of birthdays and of the visitors from our homes. We used to surprise our friends if we found out that someone’s mother /father was at reception to see them. As for birthdays we would sneak into the rooms of the friend whose birthdays was due at 12 midnight and shout SURPRISE to the birthday girl, give her the birthday bumps and the little gifts to make her happy. How ever sometimes the warden would shout out for being so loud at midnight but upon seeing the event, she would also wish the girl and spend some happy time with her. She is no more now. May Allah forgive her soul. Aameen.

I believe there should be little element of a good surprise in life. However shocks are opposites to surprises as they break a whole person inwardly and outwardly. Surprises on the other hand boost them up. They feel appreciated, wanted, cared and loved. The warmth is contiginal. If you don’t receive that happiness you want to give to the other person or are received with cold heart and long face, then it shows you are not welcomed at that particular place. Either you surprise them or not, it won’t effect them. So it’s better to leave them the way they are.

We should always share the good moments with those whom we treasure and who treasure us.

We don’t get old by years. Our ages are mere numbers. We get old by the coldness and dullness around. The lack of cheerful sounds, happy faces.We get old by living with those who cannot enjoy small moments. Life is not a bed of roses for any of us but if someone goes out of their way, makes an attempt to brighten an hour of your life, you should appreciate and accept it with big heart and wide arms. When there is no regard, the element of surprise is diminished.

I feel the lack of such surprises nowadays. People have become calculated and stingy. They value money more than anything else. They have stopped cherishing small gestures of goodness and loyalty.

The weightage of materialism is more than delicate human emotions.

I still hope that there are good hearted people out in this big world who care for their near ones and are on an attempt to make them feel good about themselves, good about this life and good about being part of their lives.

So keep surprising my dear readers and keep on attempting to put that smile on the faces of your loved ones. ❀️☺️

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