The sentence appearance is deceiving is so true as is my mere presence in this world.

How many times we come across people with extraordinary skills and behaviours but they appear naive, simple and often are seen in dirty apparels. Mostly I don’t diapprove or disgust these sort of people.A question always arises in my mind,:What made them like the way they are? I feel like asking them but due to my personal limitations, it never comes out of my mouth.

The pace at which the race has begun towards worldly luxuries and lust of power has no boundaries, no barriers. No world’s law can detain these racers and their competitions to reach the final goal of being on the top.

It’s a do or die situation now. Survivers are those who make the most of their capabilities in either best or worst way to make their BEST of APPEARANCE.

The people who are effected most are the hardworkers, be it in studies or work field. Those who play fair and know their boundaries. They focus on quality rather than quantity. That’s the point where apparently they seem ignorant or maybe not even worth a second look but they are the backbones of any society. They work behind the curtains and can never become part of any show. They never receive any Oscar or Pride of performance award.Though at some occasions these ( little) people get some appreciation and applause for their contribution but then it’s all history. How many people remember the soldiers of wars, expiditioners names, modren revolutionary scientists names, their efforts and sacrifices? the list goes on and on….

Even I don’t know many of them! It’s a fact there are many silent, unseen faces and working hands behind the whole worldly progress we observe every day, even every hour its changing.

My purpose is not to humiliate the bright stars or fame cultures. I am applauding both the front liners and those behind. It’s the collective that makes a whole. It’s norm to belittle people with moderate appearance or lifestyle. All the religions teach us humantary & humblness towards our fellow beings. Superiority is based only on the quality of behaviour and work any individual demonstrates.

Therefore we must try to be humble and kind towards our fellow beings despite of their status in society. We might never know what the other person has or is going through. They all wear masks to hide their flaws, grieves and even happiness.

As the famous saying goes:Never judge the book by its title..

You have to read the whole book in order to understand whst the author is trying to say..

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