In my native language Punjabi, there’s a popular saying for overthinking that goes :

!!! سوچی پیا تے بندہ گیا(Sochi paya te bunda gaya!!)

Its translation is overthinking looses your self worth. It’s the simplest message one can give to anyone and anywhere. So precise and accurate. Yet most of us including me can’t help but overthink. We think and think again and again :non stop. It’s so fateful.

The person who overthinks does not realize that he is being unjust to his own self, destroying his mental peace and ruining his physical health.

The one who overthinks must be engaged in serious mind blogging activities like solving complex maths or physics sums.

While I on the other hand am an overthinker! I would rather read or write something to take out what ever is going through my mind! 😄

As I am not a math person. But the best and most effective mind blogger for such people is to involve them in complex situations to come up best of the solutions. So that their overthinking gets a direction and a fairly good reason to think!.

Overthiinking can be useful too. You don’t mingle with lot of people and avoid the drama and toxic that most of them have to share.

You are safe from backbiting, spying, deceiving or even accusing others for unnecessary trivial things.

I wrote about empty minds being devil’s workshops. It’s completely opposite. Although you are ruining your health but you are not harming others. Your thinking has nothing to do with anyone. We tend to think over one thing or many at a time.

Like on a rainy day we might be visualising the after affects rain brings like cool breeze, pleasant weather, neat and clean houses, plants.. All the dirt washed away with natural shower. 😇.

Sometimes in life you don’t need to think too much to gain peace of mind. Trivial things can bring more joys than expected unfulfilled desires.

Bad times come and go. When good times come the effect of bad times diminishes. Bad times are difficult to strive with and leave many scars but the gentle pat of a good moment heals it and its always better to get your wounds healed as soon as possible in order to avoid contamination. Because if a part of yourself is cut off, it’s irreplaceable.

Even if you survive as a whole with scars of time, you end up being a warrior. You are recognized as a survivor. As the world is a living place only for the fittest survivor as per Albert Einstein’s theory of evolution.

We have to make the choice ourselves, whether to be contaminated with the blows of time or shine out like a star at the end to give some light to others….

Choose wisely & think wise. 😊

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