We say we know and understand someone as we know them since ages but it’s wrong. We might be close and still apart. Never be able to understand the person living with us for years but might understand someone who is not that familiar.

Why is it so? Are we being negligant towards our near one and caring more for the distant one? No!!

We are not compatible. The punch line and whole summary…….

No need to pick fights or keep grudges over it to destroy a perfectly fine relation. Don’t ruin your relations just because of these petty issues. Just because she is not understanding, just because he dose not bother, I cannot tolerate them. Why??

We all are unique individuals possessed with unique capabilities to make an impact. Even siblings living in same do not agree on same things.

This difference does not end the relation of brothers or sisters. The element of respect each others views and privacy always remains. That’s how happy, healthy families mature together. They follow different ways, paths yet the roots remain entact to the ground.

Sadly social media has decreased the global distances but increased the distance of our closed and near ones. We are good friends with unaquainted people and share our daily happenings with them,but how my son or daughter is feeling: my spouse is feeling or going through, we cannnot even relate.

We can express freely to outsiders than with our closed ones. Ironically closed ones might be more willing to learn how my daughter, son or husband feels or wants.

The element of distrust has risen so much that spouses are not able to trust each other because of involvement of third person. Each person has their own place and should be dealt accordingly like a hierarchy level of an organisation.

If lower pillars of the heirarchy are ignored mostly the oganization will collapse soon. It will never stay or make a good fortune. Its the prime responsibility of top management to keep a good rapport with subordinates especially the clerical staff. As they are the backbones of any company.

Nowadays no one is sitting idle or so dumbfold that they can’t decide what to do or where to head. Awareness through social media is overwhelming and over flowing with so much exposure to grasp new opportunities, discover new horizons. We can’t wait and watch all this.

It will be our negligance if we don’t avail the available chances.

This is the closest narration I can give now but the fact is its every where. We all are struggling. We want to leap one step ahead, move further and have different visions in life as to where to head to. Instead of putting obstacles in others ways to grow, we should pat them, boost them, lift their spirits to go ahead and make their way.

Our life is bound to move on and so are we. Still waters become stagnant if no way of its passage is made or found. Same are the personalities have different mind sets. Don’t manipulate minds or souls just for the sake of your evil and selfish desire.

You might be able to get through but become a sinner in eyes of Allah for whole life. Maybe you will face reciprocation of your injustice in some ways or other like loss of health or in business. As the saying goes:

What goes around, comes around..

Though we never realize it. We blame others for our failures. But it’s us, our follies which lead us to destruction.

Try not distant the already broadened gaps with your closed relations. Try to be healer, mentor or guide to show light or way to others. Make ways and don’t stop yourself too. We have to move on till our death beds.

Our life ultimately stops the moment we stop breathing. So take care of your breath and make space for others to breath easily as well… ๐Ÿ˜„โค๏ธ

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