On my way back home, though my office hours had ended. The echoes of my boss were still in my mind. I looked through the glass of the taxi into the sky. It was a bad day for me. Too much work load plus shouting from my supervisor to finish the given task in the given span of time. We all managed though, skipping our lunch breaks and sitting extra hours in our cabins with stiff backs and strained necks.

I was sad for numerous reasons. The scolding had been the last spice to the injury and suddenly I felt tears tooling down my eyes.. At that moment I wished the taxi would stop and I run out of it and sit on the ground to cry out on top of my voice staring straight at the sky and ask Allah:WHY???

I was constantly looking up the sky and crying silently. I have no idea whether the taxi driver noticed or not. He was driving professionally without saying a word or looking behind.

That day my desire was so eager and intense to shout out and cry loudly. Suddenly after a while I felt calmed. As a soft touch been kept on my heart and suddenly my tears stopped. The silent prayers uttering from my heart were unanswered.

My burden had been relieved and released. The All knowing and All Hearing and All Seeing had directed my towards a path that in the future was filled with thorns, tears and heart breaks but the pat was permanant. It was always there for me and still is.

I know even now when my soul is burdened with the whips of trials, I sit on prayer mat and let my tears roll out… And raise my hands or even utter silent prayers… And at that moment my wholes elf is submitted to ONE Lord to seek His blessings and Rahmah. Like magic you feel the easiness of your soul and mind.

When a strong connection is developed between the Creator and the creation, the need to shout out loud ends and your heart shouts more loudly..

The echoes travel faster than light energy at an indefinite speed and frequency.. The wavelength is at its maximum with maximum altitude .. ๐Ÿ˜Š

In life when ever you are despaired to the extent of shattering in to piece.. Don’t think twice, raise your hands with your full conviction towards Allah and have faith that your woes are being heard even with out yelling, without saying a word from your mouth..

At that moments your silent prayers are ECHOES, heard so loudly in Heavens and bounced back with same frequency and power of self healing.

Never consider yourself alone even in this world full of people. People come, people go. Some stay, some betray.

The challenges will remain till our death. The journey is long and tiring. But rest areas are there to ponder within and look up the sky, the sky is unlimited from wherever you look๐Ÿ’•.

Take a break and make connection with Allah, the Lord. It may be a few moments but will be fuel for a long smooth journey ahead.

Never supress those echoes coming from within. Even if you see someone else crying, just let them, don’t suppress them by insulting them. Console and comfort them and make prayer for him/her at that particular moment

Try to be the milestone for others rather than an obstacle. Maybe someone ‘s echoes might counter attack and the lighting gets struck on the one being the obstacle.

Those who oppress are suppressed by such echoes that someone else had been shouting silently somewhere staring up the sky.

The bigger the pain, the greater is the magnitude of reaction.

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