Money can never buy you happiness. There are many real life instances to quote in this regard. For example:

I had this great urge to buy a certain thing I saw online one day. I placed the order immediately after entering the necessary details. I even paid in advance to make sure that I receive my order in full as per my request and accordingly with the specifications mentioned. However as two three days passed prior to the reception of my parcel, suddenly I lost interest in thing I had purchased so willingly and with great enthusiasm. The reason was all the negativity prevailing around me, the negative approach of every one in almost all the day to day personal or professional dealings. The parcel must be own its way but now it lost its life all of a sudden.

All of you might have come across this feeling in life and will agree with me. Despite me having reasonable amount of cash in my purse, enjoying a moderate standard of life I don’t feel happy over a material thing.

Not even happiness has lost its charm but we ourselves have given our own selves in to the worldly desires so much that we don’t feel the surrounding blessings or see the things we already have without much effort. Our eyes are always looking for more HAVES than the already HAVES we HAVE!!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„. Or maybe at what others have and we don’t!!!!😁

Irony :it is but it’s bitter and true and to some extent should be sympathised with someone obsessed with worldly desires so much that she/he fails to realize the loss he/she has achieved in gaining in the longer run.

The race doesn’t end here it is continued till death and has been taken as a matter of life & death. For some it is so damn annoying to me that they take it as all is fair in love & war. Sidelining all the moralities, ethics & dignity of not only own self but others as well they can go to any extent to get what they want. Trust me no amount of money or riches can make them happy. They might get what they want. This situation is very lame and gloomy. As matured adults we have seen drastic outcomes of such insane desires.

To sum up the whole topic, I would suggest that the worldly desires should be minimized since childhood. If we are able to teach our children the values of relations, small blessings, petty joys of share, care and affection, reward them with small gifts like a chocolate bar or a candy on securing an A in a school test. They will be more happy and focused towards their getting their goals than in race of obtaining latest gadgets or things that soon loose their charm as as they are out of the boxes and into their hands.

Kids today should be reconnected with nature, with pets like cat, goat, fish, small birds, dogs etc. They should be involved in cultivating indoor or outdoor plants, if you have lawns outside your homes and also to take care of them. Elders in a house should be regarded as blessing. As they can be best friends with kids. They come on same mental level and can share same amount of enthusiasm which we as adults have lost as we have burdened ourselves with huge amounts of responsibilities.

It’s not impossible and might not be effective enough but it can effect the mindsets of our children. As their energy levels are utilized in a productive manner and in this way their various abilities, capabilities can be observed as well.

It’s my practical advice to you all. I hope that many of you might have similar experiences and might feel the same. Feel free to share your stories with me in the comments box. 😊

I hope that you be happy in all that you possess. πŸ’

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