Thinking in big scenario I would start by thanking Bill Gates first of all. Who opened the WINDOW for all the applications through which we are able to make huge businesses online, have online deals, are able to communicate, can attain degrees online, share useful information like, medical practices, cooking methods & tips of different cuisines and places, arts & craft, cultures, make reservations for hotels and plan travel dates, share live news, updates, videos, sit on live important discussion sessions, attend cabinet meetings and the list goes on…

Thank you Bill Gates. 😊

Thank you social media after all these days and new setup, I would like to move further by acknowledging the lead of this whole blogging networking.

The next pillars are Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. There are many other notable and noble names in this line. But I have just mentioned the ones which are familiar almost everywhere and I am sure you’ll smile by reading out their names as they are often making big news and have something to offer to their clients when it comes to enhanced online services and customer satisfaction.

Thank you Mark Zuckerberg.

Like the recent Covid 19 issue. Facebook kept me updated about the whole calculated ratio of patients, deceased, percentage of rise or fall in cases, percentage of shots, updates of lockdown or relaxations through UN portals. It also aided in conducting frequent surveys about the precautions being taken and safety measures being observed.

This is just a recent example. How Facebook has made an impact in our lives is beyond question or doubts😊. We all have large families there!!!

Amazon helped us in the current crisis. We were not worried about buying anything from outside. There are so many shopping malls online that it becomes difficult to select one particular item. Because we like most of them!!The deals are so attractive and variety of each item is huge. We could spend hours on virtual shopping!,

Thank you Jeff Bezoz.

Whatsapp. What an app!! It contributed in grouping the people under one name. Be it educational, family,old school, university friends, food tips, fashion, religious discussions, school groups etc. Even many businesses promote their latest deals on whatsapp. This app has been so beneficial that just by sitting at home within one click we can read a written post online, listen to an audio, lecture of a teacher, share and download pics of our family members and friends across the world.

Zoom has been even handier by making arrangements for online meetings with teachers, peers, starting up small scale businesses and even participating in occasions where we couldn’t make it due to lockdown and now due to various other reasons.

Finally not the last but least this platform which I am using to share my thoughts and expressions is beyond words for appraisal. I would have never been able to have a unique name, unique place with unique identity, if there was no WordPress App. It’s such a brilliant mind work, amazingly programmed. Suits upto almost all the requirements one needs to write, gives space to explore, create our blogs the way we feel like and want to. Apart from gaining financial benefits of the efforts we put in, we are introduced with other bloggers here and can learn and share from their thoughts and our expressions.

The world is a small place on social media now.In a mere click we get the first hand information we want and Google is the master of all. These are just a few names. The social globe has many other notable names. It’s our choice to use the options available through the big window wisely. Google masters and controls everything and that’s the best and satisfying part. The more we are engaged in social media’s activities, the more vital its usage has become.

One tip of advice. Don’t manipulate with social media apps. 😊There is no way you can get away by forgging a site. Every click is being monitored. Click to gain not to strain yourself. So stay focused, be good and find for the good around the social globe.

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