When a flower is plucked from its natural habitat and placed in a water tumbler on someone’s dining table, drawing room or bedroom, it gives a pleasant look to the interior. After one or two days it wilts and is trashed out. Its life ends..

If it had been with the plant, it might have lived its natural life and wilted according to nature’s plans. This life cycle explains a very deep phenomenon :i

f something is placed forcefully at a place just to please our selves but with unwillingness of the other, it expires soon.

So basically we are responsible for the death of that someone or something which WE want but that thing or someone belongs to somewhere else:And might be happy with its surroundings.

There is anther natural rule as well, crushed and deformed into a new shape. Like if we crush the petals of a flower, dry them in sunlight, the fragrance remains, lasts for long and is stored in attractive jars for displaying. We can have multiple uses of it then. The pressure, heat and roughness converted it, gave it a new look, changed it into something more beneficial and useful.

Punch line of the blog is that it’s upto us how we treat others. Our behaviours make or break someone. Despite of the natural hábitat the others belong to. We can mould it to a classic piece of perfection or crush it and destroy its already perfect shape.

We must choose and act wisely with the subordinates, subject or objects under our possession. If we are not careful, we might end up being responsible for an unforgiving sin or act of injustice consciously or unconsciously.

Be just and tolerant in whatever situation you are in. 👍🏼🙏

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