One of the big blessings in life is the great things that come in small packages.

When rain droplets fall into the oceans, some of them enter onto sea mussels. When sea mussels are preyed by the fishermen and opened, they find pearls in them. What a transformation! From the tiny drop of a rain into a precious pearl. It’s times’ best plans: how things ought to look, only comes after metamorphotic stage of life.

This is an indication that never give up during a trial period of your life. If you are doomed, in a dark zone, feel emptiness are own your own etc… Then deep in your heart you should have this firm belief that:

This too shall paas on…

This is the reminder you’ ll need often to keep moving ahead, to keep going on and to keep on striving like those tiny ants who taught the King to try, try, try again.

Only then you will emerge as an unique and precious individual like buds bloom into beautiful flowers, caterpillars into colourful butterflies and seedlings germinating into fruits 😊.

Sizes never matter at all. Its the mass of the thing that carry their weight and show an impact on other beings in nature and in our societies as well.

Our inwardly thoughts make us how we look from outwards. Never belittle yourself or anyone else. Who knows what surprises you’ll get from them next time!!!

Give, share, think good about yourself and others.

We need more of good thinkers and practical models like these  to lessen the sadness prevailing in the whole world now.

Spread positive vibes make space for others, give room, accept and change for your good and good of others.

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