Change your approach, change your world.

When I was in hostel during my graduation years. There was this popular quote written on every other closet of the hostel rooms, cards, walls of the washrooms etc:

We all believed in that saying to the extent that we lived by the quote. As years passed and I grew older, am now in my 40s, I have come to this conclusion that it’s not only the soft words that fit in all locks. It’s the soft METHODS that touch the hearts and move them to the extent that they absorb. This is like a slow continuous drop of water falling on a rock, eventually the water softens the upper hard core of the rock disappears making way for the water to flow by. Beautiful streams are formed in this way.


The water by nature is continuing, while the rock by nature is hard cold,unmovable. Apparently its hard to believe that water makes its way through rocks but its proven to be true.

The continuity of a small deed makes its impact eventually. If you don’t get what you are looking for than be like water slow and flowing, keep moving , don’t look behind, it’s gone and lost. No one is going that way. Our foot prints remain there for predecessors to follow for lessons or to learn from their mistakes in order not repeat them. The only way to meet oceans is to absorb every trivial thing along. If you stop you’ll be stagnant like a swarm swallowing and taking lives of every being. No one will come near you or would want to be with you. Only the ignorant ones will pass by your way only to be doomed.

The world is full of trillions of people who made their ways from bottom to the top heirarchy levels of success. Their stories are lessons of patience, preservance, continuos effort, strong spirits and the urge not to stop but to MOVE ON inspire us to be like them, work hard like them. They are like the candles or beams of light for us to follow upon.

Our challenges might be different but we all are striving from better to best. The quality of your thoughts will effect the quality of your output. Never be like a hare who was full of pride, be like a tortoise slow and determined. 👍🏼💪. The pride of the haré is the laughing stock for us but the little continuous steps are lessons for all of us to learn from.

These montessori level examples are not be read but to be implemented from grass root level.If the foundation is strong the top floor will never collapse no matter how much pressure is put on. And vice is versa😊The weaker ones give up easily, go into long depressions, commit suicides, become criminals or psychopaths for a society.

We need to broaden our horizons, go beyond to fetch what is meant to be best for us. Never compromise for toxic people who make every possible effort to make your esteems poor and make you feel like a loser.

It’s your positive approach towards attaining your objectives that will open the doors of opportunities one day. Be prepared cautious & alert.

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