depressed young man with blurred head in dark room
Photo by Vijay Sadasivuni on

Mood swings… is a common habit these days, especially if I picture myself first in this scenario or in the frame of my glasses.

I have been going through terrible mood swings in last 4 to 5 years from throwing out a tantrum in form of crying loudly or even silently all of a sudden,from sleeping a lot to waking up the whole night and from eating abnormally to moderately,from listening to crazy songs to singing loudly and in the end draining myself completely only to become more weak apparently.

The doctors have diagnosed me with Hyperthyroidism and I am on medication since then. The medication has helped me in bringing myself together and to be on normal frequency with myself and others. However,

…... the extreme fluctuations in my moods has drenched me & has left a negative impact not only on my health but on my personality as well.

After this personal experience, I have become conscious about the way people behave and act around me and about their mood swings.

Either I try to ignore them, give them more time and space to get them back to their normal moods or sometimes it gets the otherway round too. That is ………..

…. if I get pissed off or loose my patience!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

On a serious note if you see someone over reacting about something and that’s not their habit or usual self. Please be considerate. Notice them.


They might be suffering silently. Sometimes, people who cannot express themselves properly,open their hearts, have trust issues or feel insecure over something are the ones most likely to need a helping hand.

Give people margin and benefit of doubt.

Things might not be as they seem apparently. They must be struggling over something, fighting their own unseen wars.

Try to observe people more than that gadget in your hands. I am honestly fed up of these tech tools as they have literally glued the fingers on screens and captivated the minds so strongly that people don’t feel anything for those nearby.

My kids keep on using their mobiles or computers for hours if not disturbed on holidays and they don’t even think of getting away from it if not told to do so!! I am sure almost every mom might agree over this.

Their addiction has numbed their sensory neurons completely to react or notice anything.

Just yesterday a young girl entered my house, handed me the grocery that my mom in law had sent, as it was a big bag and she couldn’t lift it. I took the bag and went inside the room to pray. My mom in law comes and asks my daughter about the grocery items (who was busy with the mobile). She replies:

what girl, what bag?!

I mean my daughter didn’t even notice her entering or talking to me, or passing the message.

This is the real story of every house every where. So when we become psychis, we cannot complain or look towards our children anymore. We as elders have to be strong mentally than physically to take care of our young ones or those in need.

As now the emotional and psychological dellima is more than physical. People get anxiety attacks over trivial issues. It’s very necessary to make our kids emotionally strong as it goes a long way into their lives. Physical pain can only be tackled well if we are strong emotionally and can have a grip on the pain we suffer.

Constant changing of mood of a child are different than an adult. A child’s mood swings are often taken as his/her innocence or innocent act. But an adults gradual or sudden mood swings mean that they need help. Don’t ignore their situation or let them down if they look up to you in such situations.


Being adults or elders brings many responsibilities on our shoulders financially, emotionally and psychologically. Being ignorant or acting arrogant can’t solve matters. It destroys personalities and bonds as a whole. It’s a big damage in our society and is creating many blanks and gaps unable to fulfill like te ozone layer disappearing outside the earth’s atmosphere and the damage is irreplaceable where the rays penetrate directly into the earth from the hollow area. Same scientific rules apply to human psychology, of not dealt in proper manner the gaps are disastrous.

Moral of the whole blog:

Don’t let mood swings be too large that their amplitudes are unreachable or unsolvable. There is a solution to every problem in this world until death let’s us apart.

Have faith in the Supreme Lord and your own self and seek to be seeken.

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