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Category: Ponder Within

Behavioral Pattrens
Samiah Arshad

Walk into my Shoes

“Walk into my Shoes” It’s easier said than done. This delimit is increasing per second in our personal lives and societies as a whole. We

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Behavioral Pattrens
Samiah Arshad

Close Apart

We say we know and understand someone as we know them since ages but it’s wrong. We might be close and still apart. Never be

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Down the memory lane
Samiah Arshad


On my way back home, though my office hours had ended. The echoes of my boss were still in my mind. I looked through the

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Ponder Within
Samiah Arshad


Those with disabilities in every society need special care, attention and education to make them able enough to support their own selves. In almost every

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Behavioral Pattrens
Samiah Arshad

Holier than thou!

We hear people say that the first impression is always the last impression.Therefore all of us try make an attempt to give our best selves

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Samiah Arshad

First drop

The very first drop of water always indicates presence of life. Though small it makes its powerful impact by falling down, giving sacrifice for the

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Behavioral Pattrens
Samiah Arshad

Natural Habitat

When a flower is plucked from its natural habitat and placed in a water tumbler on someone’s dining table, drawing room or bedroom, it gives

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